
Top 5 Reasons for a Backyard Session | Summer Family Pictures

School’s out, SUMMER is IN!  And back by popular demand this summer, our Backyard Summer Sessions! At Kidlette, we LOVE summer. And here’s 5 reasons why we think summer family pictures are just the best…

1. Session variety. –  Chances are you probably already have fall family photos. It’s the most popular time for a reason –those beautiful fall colors. But if you’ve already done fall photos, or perhaps done them several times, why not mix it up a bit? Fall is lovely, but there’s nothing like capturing that amazing “Pure Michigan” summer in your family pictures. And it’s great to professionally document your family during all the seasons of the year.

2. The weather. –  Nothing beats that warm golden sun and those gorgeous summer evenings. (And while October is colorful, it also rains A LOT.) Sitting out on the patio, backyard picnics, strawberries, watermelon, ice cream bars, playing ball, frisbee, bikes, skateboards, splashing in the pool, running through the sprinkler – all of this. This is what summer’s really about. And these are the memories we want to hold on to. And it’s all happening right in your own backyard!

3. That laid back summer vibe. – Those warm summer days give way to that laid back summer vibe. The kids are out of school, hopefully your schedule isn’t as crazy as it is during the school year, and you WANT to spend more time outdoors. As a result, it’s the perfect time to kick back and capture some family togetherness without the pressure of a rigorous schedule.

4. Your yard looks great! – That glorious weather gives way to your yard looking awesome. The grass is lush, the trees are full of leaves, the flowers in full bloom – it all adds up to the perfect backdrop for your family photos. Our spring, winter, and fall tend to have a lot of “brown”, but in the summer everything’s in technicolor, and you’ve got a great location right behind your house. Let’s take advantage of it. Above all, you don’t even have to load everyone into the car!

5. Check it off your list! – With a summer session your family photos are crossed of your list. And you’ll already have just what you need for those holiday cards. Done and done! One less thing you’ll need to cram in this fall.

Let’s tell your summer story! Our Backyard Sessions are 30 minutes at our Petite Session rate, and include a $100 print credit for you to apply to your choice of prints or albums. Contact us to get scheduled ASAP as just a few spots remain, and that sweet heat will be behind us before you know it!

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